We at Ishaan Oleo & Agri Resources Act as Indentors & Distributors of Oleochemicals & Agri Commodities. It's our new breed of business with a Global Mindset & Confidence to Innovate across borders. We are Agile & rapidly discovering new global opportunities.
We are Truly Passionate to Serve Oleochemicals & Agri Commodities Globally with a Difference .
We are Indian at Heart But Truly Global in Spirit!!!
Ishaan Oleo & Agri Resources is a subsidiary of Shiv & Company which is our Parent Company & was established in 1980.
We take Pride in carrying our Golden Legacy Forward to A Newer Level now Ishaan Oleo & Agri Resources!!!
Ishaan Oleo & Agri Resources was started with a Dream & a Desire.A Dream to Express Ourselves on the Global Platform & A Desire to Become One of the Most Trusted Channels to Distribute & Sale Products Into India Market & also to Exports Products from India Market to Global Market.Few Years Ago we realized that Thinking Global was the New Local.So we were actually Thinking Global.Going Global & Eventually Acting Global.
In pursuit of our Dreams since last few years we have travelled Non-Stop Lengths & Breadths of India apart from extensively & comprehensively attending Various Conferences of Oleochemicals & Agri Commodities worldwide Including South East Asia, Europe & USA.
We will continue to provide True Value Addition & will keep on Evolving by sourcing Responsibly & Ethically as we believe in Sustainability.